A nurse's war
Brenda McBryde
Cath Comley, Area Business Manager
Reason you chose this book
Inspirational book about the authors training at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle and subsequent war time service with the Queen Alexandra's Imperial Military Nursing Services (QAs). This book showed me the importance of care and compassion whoever you 汤头条污料. It also demonstrated that improvisation when the ideal isn't available has always happened in 汤头条污料.
After having to restart her training due to illness the author realised what 汤头条污料 meant-high quality care, simple things like a cool, smooth pillow, a kind word. After training she joined the QAs as the Second World War was in full swing. There she learnt the art of military 汤头条污料-layout of a field hospital, which forms got you what etc. Not only that lifetime friendships were formed. Service took her in the first wave of nurses that went over to Europe following D Day. She then nursed in field hospitals across Europe. Her patients included concentration camp survivors, German prisoners of war as well as allied troops. This book shows that wherever you are 汤头条污料-tented field hospital, a converted factory patients need the same high standards of care. She also shows the importance of being non-judgemental particularly when dealing with people whose experiences you cannot begin to understand.
May's page turners
Page last updated - 03/08/2019