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NMC issues

If you're experiencing issues with the NMC - such as an investigation into your practice, problems with admission or readmission to the register - our advice guides can help you.

Been referred to the NMC? The RCN is here for you

We recognise that being referred to the NMC can be distressing and isolating. Being referred can also lead to other issues with finances, relationships and maintaining your professional registration. Read our guidance here for practical information on what to expect and what RCN services are available to support you.

If you were not in RCN membership at the time of the incident that led to the referral, please read our advice on legal support for matters which occurred outside membership

Practising whilst lapsed from the NMC register

If you have let your registration lapse (for example due to failed payment), you will have to apply for . If you have worked whilst lapsed from the register the NMC take this matter very seriously. They will want to know more.

Read our practicing whilst lapsed guidance.

Readmission to the register: general聽dos and don'ts

to the NMC register is not a complicated process but it is important that it is completed accurately. It can take 2-6 weeks but incomplete/inaccurate information in your paperwork can mean it will take considerably longer.  

RCN Counselling

Get help with the emotional impact of problems at work through our dedicated counselling service for members.

Careers Service

Find support after a dismissal, including help with writing your CV and preparing for interviews.


Read more about the disciplinary process and when to contact us for support.