I have been an RCN member for about 30 years but I’ve never been to Congress before. I was informed that I could apply to attend as a member of the Pain and Palliative Care Forum and then delighted to be allocated a funded voting place. It was very easy to arrange travel and accommodation and after reading the programme of events I was particularly looking forward to the debates on Access to Controlled Drugs in Care Homes and Assisted Dying.
Before Congress started a WhatsApp group was set up for all the voting members of the Pain and Palliative Care Forum. This made it easy for us to meet up and arrange where we would be sitting each day. Everyone was very friendly and I felt included in all the social as well as the ‘business’ aspects of Congress. I particularly enjoyed chatting to other palliative care nurses about their views and job roles, however, I also met lots of members from different fields which all added to the experience.
It was really interesting listening to and voting on the debates and there were also lots of learning events and an exhibition, not to mention the inspiring key note speakers. I found Congress to be quite intense and tiring but a great experience. I definitely hope to be going back one day and would recommend anyone to give it a try.